TomTom 730 Tree --------------- +---art | +--- cars [folder contains car navigation icons used in 3D view] | \--- ipod [contains icons used when you have the iPod connection kit running] | +---ASR [location of files for Spoken address (dialog) to work] +---audiobooks [where audiobook files are stored] +---bin +---contacts [comma separated files used for mobile phone] | +--- buddies.dat [needs GPRS wireless data connection] | +--- called.txt | +--- callers.txt | \--- contacts.txt [this is the phonebook "name","number","type"] | +---customvoice [this is where your own custom voice is recorded mp3's] | +---ephem [contains QuickFix files {you can safely delete}] | +---gns [contains] | +---helpme [contains html & templates for Help Me feature] | +--- flags [contains 42x36 GIF images of flags] | +--- medical [contains index templates] | | \--- images [contains CPR & Fist Aid images] | +--- other [contains traffic rules, money info, etc.] | +--- car | +--- IMAGES | +--- trafficrules | \--- travelinfo | \--- images | +---home images [contains J.ddf] | +---itn [contains Itineraries you have planned (timestamp changes)] | +---licences [related software & EULA for where unit was sold] | +---logging [empty] | +---LoquendoTTS [TTS Engine for high-end TomTom's] | +--- bin [look at numer at end of files for version and also Susan/other files] | +--- data [contains mappings for sms and map shorthand] | | \--- languages [contains sub-folders] | | \--- English | | \--- voices [contains download voices and Susan for default] | | +--- Kate [contains 4 binary files and voice descriptor] | | \--- Susan [contains 4 binary files and voice descriptor] | \--- lib [contains] | +---maps [contains map.tlv file for example North_America_2GB.tlv] | +---microbrowser [contains sub-folders] | +--- download [Probably used with GPRS wireless data connection] | \--- resource [mine has just a binary plusmenuhires_5_0.chk] | +---mp3 [when mp3 audio files go & pla text file for play lists] | +---North_America_2GB | \--- brand [POI Icons] | +---phone_database [mine has just connect2internet.tlv] | +---photos [contains photos added to unit by user - in XL these are selectable as Startup and Shutdown Images] | +---poi [contains tlv files that point to files in the specific map folder] | +---program [contains Application.tlv] | +---raster [contains images and sat file for overlay used in browse map] | +---schemes [download map colour schemes clv file and tlv description] | +---script [mine has just binary] | +---SIMCARD [mine has a template Mobility.sim] | +---sounds [contains ogg and tlv for downloaded warnings] | +---statdata | +---TomTom HOME [contains MacOS Installer] | \--- Contents | +--- InstallerData | \--- MacOSClassic | \--- Resources | \--- English.lproj | +---TomTom-Cfg [contains build birthday info] | +---birthday.txt | +---image.ini | +---image.ver | +---local.ini | \---release.nfo | \---voices [(non TTS) voices downloaded chk files and tlv descriptions] {not in the a folder} .metadata_never_index antitheftw.bmp autorun.inf bootloaderversion.txt clmdata connect2internet.db connect2internet.db.encode connect2internetdb.ver CurrentLocation.dat CurrentMap.dat data.chk data_im1.chk data_li.chk data_sp.chk data_ts.chk fm2010parameters fmsignal gprscom.conf gprssettings.dat InstallTomTomHOME.exe internal.dat (hidden attribute) lowbatteryw.bmp mctx.dat pluserror.txt settings.dat signpost_li.txt splashw.bmp suspendw.bmp system tomtom.ico ttgo.bif tthome.bif [removed in 8.301] ttsystem UserPatch.dat